Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Changed of Title

And so, I have decided to change the title of my project from “Amusing Work-Out” to “Live In The Pink”.

The reason is because, in the pink can be defined as being in a good health or in short, healthy. Therefore, “Live In The Pink” can be described as living in a good health condition.

And of course, aerobic exercise is one of the ways to keep us physically fit and active.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Critique 2: Idea Development

Design Problem
Majority of us did not know and aware of the importance of aerobics in our daily lives. Without a doubt, aerobics are helpful in maintaining our health and it was proven efficient for weight control and reduces health problems such as diabetes and insomnia. It is also helpful in fighting anti-aging. With all these benefits that we can get, but still, there are some people who tend to neglect aerobics. Some find it boring, while others think that it is such a waste of time and money to go to the gym and aerobic classes.

Design Brief
I am going to design and make an installation project that will allow user to do some of the aerobic exercises which contain different level, thus showing them the correct technique of doing it. This installation is aim to give exposure to user about categories of aerobic and how our bodies respond to different several of exercise. Not only that, by turning these routines into fun and excitement interactive exercises, it can motivate user to adapt aerobic in their lifestyle.

This exercise installation will help user in a way as fat will burned during the workout itself although only a small amount of it, at least, depending on how much time they spend playing with the installation. User should not be expecting to see the results on the spot as they need to be able to exercise daily and for longer periods to get encouraging results.

Since Nintendo released Wii Fit, it became a hit. Most people like it as they can play bunch of virtual reality games as well as exercising at home. They exercised, they had fun, and most important thing; they lose weight. Who says that exercise is no fun? I can say that enjoyment is one of the major factors that influenced the consistency of a person to do something. And with the help of new media and technology, it is much easier to develop the feeling of fun in most of the thing.

What my project is going to be is more or less the same as Wii Fit. A fun interactive aerobic routine that will give new exercise experienced to the user regardless of age, nationality, and gender. But, what makes it different from Wii Fit is that it uses no remote for the user to hold while exercising. Motion detection will be used to detect user's movement. Other than that, the exercises are limited and focused on few types only that covers a small part of aerobic.

Associative Mind Map

Monday, November 29, 2010

Critique 2: Analysis

The stereotype of men and aerobics.
It is often deemed awkward to see a man in an aerobics class.  Aerobics are typically thought of as a “women only” exercise. However, many places seek to get more men involved in such classes. Men typically think of aerobics as the feminine exercise and their workouts should be focused on manly reps such as weight lifting, kickboxing, or cycling. Guys should consider aerobics because of the many benefits and need for nothing more than space. No weights, bikes, gloves, punching bags necessary. For further reading, click here.

Misconception about aerobic exercises.
Aerobic exercise does not necessarily mean an aerobic class. Aerobic exercise is any kind of exercise that increases your pulse rate making you slightly breathless. Thus, there are many forms of aerobics exercise, the most common being jogging, swimming, cycling and running. Mowing the lawn and gardening also counts as aerobic exercise as you would be burning around 120 calories for each 20 minutes. The most important thing is, as a beginner, do not do too much at the start because it is likely that you will go off it and never do it again. Try to gradually incorporate aerobic exercise into your lifestyle. For further reading, click here.

Gender and exercise selection.
Men and women have many glaring differences and what seems to be few similarities but as far as exercise goes, women and men are very close. Exercise selection should always be consistent with goals. This is where the differences begin. Women and men seldom have the same goals. Men usually love to build their chest muscles with bench press while most women could care less about their pec muscles. No one can argue the best cardiovascular exercises for men and women are the same, i.e. running, bicycling, stairs, hiking, etc. but when it comes to weights women and men should exercise completely differently? Of course not. Does this mean women should not perform the bench press? Bench press is still a very important exercise for women but the amount of bench press necessary for a woman's goals is far less than a man looking to build his chest. Goals should be determined depends on self ability. For further reading, click here.

Normal aerobic VS Wii Fit.
Running on a treadmill or riding a stationary bike can be unbearably boring. Because of this "boredom" factor, some people have rarely been able to keep up with aerobics exercises for very long. Aerobics classes like cardio kick boxing can be more fun but they have a big down side: they have to drive to the gym to do them, and it costs a lot of extra wasted time. Aerobic exercise is an important part of anyone's healthy lifestyle whether or not someone is trying to lose weight or not. But it's something that people struggle to fit into their lives. Partly due to lack of time to go to the gym and partly just because they think of aerobics as being very boring. But thanks to Nintendo that's not the case anymore. It actually making aerobics enjoyable,make exercise fun which means people will exercise more and thus lose more weight faster. For further reading, click here.

Thoughts to ponder.
If we have a reaction after just 5 minutes, why keep exercising for twenty minutes? Actually,who or why they recommend that time period is still a question. The only reason to continue on after five minutes is based on the need to maintain the fat burning process. So marathon runners need to condition themselves to maintain that longer term aerobic state, but the chemical reactions level off after just a few minutes and actually begin to lower after ten minutes. At that time, the twenty minute workout was very popular with several health clubs. It cast another truth on the fact vs. fiction on the world of exercise. The level of aerobic response is dependent on the intensity or the oxygen consumption of the exercise. All exercises are not created equally, and our bodies response to various exercise is different. For further reading, click here.

Critique 2: Precedence Studies

Wii Fit is a video game developed by Nintendo for the Wii console designed by Hiroshi Matsunaga.

It is an exercise game consisting of activities using the unique platform peripheral called the Wii Balance Board,in which the player stands on during exercise, and also allowing the software to, among other uses, calculate body mass index (BMI) of the user.

The game features yoga, strength training, aerobics, and balance games. Matsunaga described the game as a "way to help get families exercising together".

Wii Fit has been used for physiotherapy rehabilitation and has been adopted by various health clubs around the world. Additionally, the game has been used in nursing homes to improve posture in the elderly.

The game has over 40 different activities, including yoga poses, push ups, and other exercises.

Furthermore, Wii Fit allows its players to take body tests and compare their results without the game disc by installing the game's own "Wii Fit Channel" to the Wii Menu.

Training on Wii Fit is divided into four categories: yoga, strength training, aerobics, and balance games. The activities provide a core workout, emphasizing controlled movements rather than overexertion. Some of the activities include:

  • Tree Pose
  • Cobra
    Strenght Training
    • Push-up

    • Rowing Squat

    • Basic Step
    • Rhythm Boxing

    • Hula Hoop

    Balance Games
    • Balance Bubble

    • Snowboard Slalom                                               

    • Soccer Heading
    Wii Fit Trailer

    For further reading, click here.

    Critique 2: Research

    What is Aerobic Exercises?

    Aerobic exercise is a physical exercise that intends to improve the oxygen system. Aerobic means "with oxygen", and refers to the use of oxygen in the body's metabolic or energy-generating process. Many types of exercise are aerobic, and by definition are performed at moderate levels of intensity for extended period of time.

    Both the term and the specific exercise method were developed by Kenneth H. Cooper, M.D., an exercise physiologist, and Col. Pauline Potts, a physical therapist, both in the United States Air Force. Dr. Cooper, an avowed exercise enthusiast, was personally and professionally puzzled about why some people with excellent muscular strength were still prone to poor performance at tasks such as long-distance running, swimming, and bicycling. He began measuring systematic human performance using a bicycle ergo meter, and began measuring sustained performance in terms of a person's ability to use oxygen. His groundbreaking book, Aerobics, was published in 1968, and included scientific exercise programs using running, walking, swimming and bicycling. The book came at a fortuitous historical moment, when increasing weakness and inactivity in the general population was causing a perceived need for increased exercise.

    Aerobic exercise comprises innumerable forms. In general, it is performed at a moderate level of intensity over a relatively long period of time. For example, running a long distance at a moderate pace is an aerobic exercise, but sprinting is not. Playing singles tennis, with near-continuous motion, is generally considered aerobic activity, while golf or two person team tennis, with brief bursts of activity punctuated by more frequent breaks, may not be predominantly aerobic. Some sports are thus inherently "aerobic", while other aerobic exercises, such as fartlek training or aerobic dance classes, are designed specifically to improve aerobic capacity and fitness.

    • Strengthening the muscles involved in respiration, to facilitate the flow of air in and out of the lungs.
    • Strengthening and enlarging the heart muscle, to improve its pumping efficiency and reduce the resting heart rate, known as aerobic conditioning.
    • Strengthening muscles throughout the body.
    • Improving circulation efficiency and reducing blood pressure.
    • Increasing the total number of red blood cells in the body, facilitating transport of oxygen.
    • Improved mental health, including reducing stress and lowering the incidence of depression.
    • Reducing the risk for diabetes.
    • Increased storage of energy molecules such as fats and carbohydrates within the muscles, allowing for increased endurance.
    • Neovascularization of the muscle sarcomeres to increase blood flow through the muscles.
    • Increasing speed at which aerobic metabolism is activated within muscles, allowing a greater portion of energy for intense exercise to be generated aerobically.
    • Improving the ability of muscles to use fats during exercise, preserving intramuscular glycogen.
    • Enhancing the speed at which muscles recover from high intensity exercise.
    • Reduce the risk of death due to cardiovascular problems. In addition, high-impact aerobic activities (such as jogging or jumping rope) can stimulate bone growth, as well as reducing the risk of osteoporosis for both men and women.

    Both the health benefits and the performance benefits, or "training effect", require a minimum duration and frequency of exercise. Most authorities suggest at least twenty minutes performed at least three times per week.

    Aerobic activity is also used by individuals with anorexia as a means of suppressing appetite, since aerobic exercise increases sugar and fatty acid transport in the blood by stimulating tissues to release their energy stores. While there is some support for exercising while hungry as a means of tapping into fat stores, most evidence is equivocal. In addition, performance can be impaired by lack of nutrients, which will reduce training effects.

    Variety of Aerobic/Cardiovascular Exercise (Indoor/Outdoor)
    • Stair climbing

    • Elliptical trainer

    • Indoor rower

    • Stairmaster

    • Stationary bicycle

    • Treadmill

    • Cross-country skiing

    • Cycling

    • Inline skating

    • Jogging

    • Nordic walking

    • Football

    • Rugby

    • Kick-boxing

    • Swimming

    • Jumping rope

    For further reading, click here.

    Friday, November 26, 2010

    Critique 2 - Research & Analysis (20%)

    In Critique 2, assessment will be based on ;
    • Research
    • Precedence Studies
    • Analysis
    • Idea Development

    The chosen proposal which I will proceed with, is Proposal Four entitled "Amusing Work Out".

    Sunday, November 21, 2010

    Design Research Proposal

    Title :
    "A Review of New Media in Existing Aerobic Exercises as a Form of Art"

    Abstract :
    Aerobic exercises can be defined as a physical exercise which includes jogging, aerobic dance, certain sports that are near-continuous action such as playing single squash, and many more. This style of exercise has been practiced since a very long time ago.

    Aerobics are getting more well-liked and never forgotten because the importance of it and with constant training, they can achieve their goal to be healthy and stay in good physical shape as it is very effective. Furthermore, some of the work out is enjoyable and uncomplicated.

    From time to time, with the growth of technology and improvement of new media, it has changed the way people do aerobics. For example, with Wii Fit, user can now jog in front of the television and it gives more or less the same experience and similar results as jogging at the park.

    New media gives variety and different approach on existing exercise with the use of modern machinery to make it much more appealing, and can encourage more people to try. Aerobics can be label as form of art since music is used and some of it is turning into dancing.

    In this research project, the focus will be on some of the existing aerobic exercises that have been improved and enhanced by new media and the way it can be define as art form, and also people’s reaction towards it.

    Thesis Issue :
    Exercising has different approach to people nowadays with the power of latest media and modern technology. We can see a lot of differences in the way people do exercises and work out, compared to last time. For that reason, a study should be made to prove that with the assist of new media, aerobics not only can be labeled as conventional exercises, but can also be classify and seen as a type of art.

    Keywords :
    • New Media
    • Aerobic Exercises
    • Form of Art

    Aim :
    This research aims to do a review or analysis about the impact of new media influenced in existing aerobic exercises, and how it can be seen also categorize as a form of art based on several perspectives.

    Objectives :

    • To do a review on the impact of new media in existing aerobics.
    • To learn on the subject of exercise and how it can be turn into a form of art.
    • To study the influenced of new media in exercising and people’s reaction towards it.
    • To analyze the construction of modern society in cardiovascular exercise and keeping body fit.
    • To discover how new media has changed people’s perception and idea about exercise.

    Thesis Development:
    • Introduction
    • Review of Literature
    • Method of Investigation
    • Analysis of Data
    • Discussion and Conclusion

    Monday, November 1, 2010

    Critique 1: Proposal Four

    Research Topic
    "Amusing Work Out"

    Body, Identity and Sensors

    It is an interactive application/installation that is inf
    ormative and useful about how we can increase our height naturally without spending lots of our money on surgery. This installation is to introduce to people way of exercising and stretching that will correct our body postures therefore increase 2-6 more inch of our height with consistent and frequent exercise.

    Problem Identification
    We've been told since we were small that there is no way that we can grow taller after we have reached our puberty level. And most of us did not know that we have potential to be 3-5 inches (7-12cm) taller and we never really use those potential. And foremost, most of the people that are short, including myself, we are lack of confidenc
    e because of our height. Me might actually want to try every possible solution to increase our heig
    ht even for 1 inch.

    Aim and Objectives
    • To give motivation to people so that they will practice and apply the routine consistently.
    • To give satisfaction if they are able to increase their heights.
    • To keep body fit and correct body postures.

    Since I can consider myself a short person or petite, so with this project, at the same time I can do a research about height and learn more the steps of stretching and exercising to increase height. And by doing that, I can improve my installation with variety of stretching and the way it works can be interesting with a lot of fun while exercising.

    Ideation and Concept
    An exercise mat on the floor, and there will be projection of video or image of the stretching. User have to follow in a sequent from the beginning of the step until the last one. The webcam will detect when the user place his/her hand and legs correctly on the mat and show correct body postures. Only then user can do the next step, after they successfully follow the first step correctly.

    Design Approach
    • Graphic Illustration
    • Visuals
    • Music
    • Sound Effects


    How To Grow Taller

    How To Increase Height Naturally

    Critique 1: Proposal Three

    Research Topic
    "Like a Star"

    Body, Identity and Sensors

    "Like a Star" is an interactive installation that can make anybody who walks through the red carpet feels like a Hollywood famous star in a g
    limpse. This installation is like a metaphor for those celebrity icon or newbie that join the industry for the sake of attention and to get noticed.

    Problem Identification
    Everybody wants to be a superstar but not everybody can become one. With average talent, the chances are very low to become a celebrity. But I'm very sure that majority of us would like to have and experience the 'red carpet moment'
    even for once in our life and be the center of attraction.

    Aim and Objectives
    • To create the feeling of famed.
    • To give opportunity to everybody to experienced and feel like a celebrity.
    • To make people feel the enjoyment of the red carpet moment.

    Sometimes we want to know how it feels to be a star, h
    aving millions of fans and papparazi waiting for us anywhere we go. Not all of us can get this feeling in real life. With this installation, anybody can fulfill their dream to be a leading light of the
    day. This is like a once in a life time opportunity to become famous, wanted, and get no

    Ideation and Concept
    A red carpet on the floor. When the webcam detects the steps of the user on the red carpet, there will be sound of camera clicking and flash l
    ighting from the paparrazi's camera and also the sound of fans cheering, whistling, and clapping all the way through the carpet.

    Design Approach

    • Flash Lighting
    • Sound Effects
    • Visualizer



    Blake Lively at 2009 Primetime Emmy Awards

    Critique 1: Proposal Two

    Research Topic

    Social Innovation and New Media

    "Hair-Stylo" is an interactive application that allows user to test different kind of hair styles that can help them to make better decision on which hair styles that suits them the most.

    Problem Identification
    We tend to choose the wrong hair style that does not look suitable on us. Once we did something to our hair, we must be ready to face the final outcome for quite a long period depending on the hair types itself because there is no undo button when it comes to the hair. Knowing the right hair color, cut, and method are a must before seeing th
    e hair-dresser or during the consultation hour with them.

    Aim and Objectives
    • To give people the chance in trying variety of hair styles.
    • To help in making decision and choosing the best hair styles that is suitable.
    • To create the feeling of excitement when testing various hair styles.

    Saloons should have this kind of application to help customer in making choice so that they can imagine how they are going to look like in that hair style. Therefore, communication between customer and hair-dresser will be much easier as the customer can actually just show what style they wanted to the hair-dresser on the spot. And with this kind of application, we will be exposed to new kind of hair style that will somehow help to re
    move the feeling of anxious to try it in real life because we already know how we are going to appear. It will surely make everybody's life including me myself a lot easier.

    Ideation and Concept
    Using webcam to detect the eye level of the user. Then different hair styles will appear one by one on the user's face at the screen. There will be different hair styles for different gender. There will also be range of hair that the user can try. If he/she did not like the hair that they were trying, they can always press next to try the next hair style.

    Design Approach
    • Graphic Illustration


    Hair Make-Over Application

    Critique 1: Proposal One

    Research Topic
    "Shake It Baby"

    Body, Identity and Sensors

    "Shake It Baby" is an interactive dance floor installati
    on to let user dance, play, work out, or even have fun at the same time. They can move on the dance floor while interact with the visualizer that will be projected on the floor. Dancin
    g will become more enjoyable!

    Problem Identification
    Most of the people are afraid and don't have the courage to move or dance in a public. With more fun and interactive dance floor, anyone will have the desire to try and experience the new way of dancing.

    Aim and Objectives
    • To give people new experience of dancing.
    • To make dancing more fascinating and motivating.
    • To eliminate the feeling of ashamed while dancing.
    • To encourage those who cannot dance to give a try on the dance floor.

    Since most of us like to dance, but not all are flexible in dancing, so why not create an installation that will allow anybody who cannot dance to move freely on the interactive dance floor without feeling ashamed of their moves, because, any move they make using their body gestures, the floor will still interact with them. Furthermore, there is nothing to be embarrassed of since crowd will most likely pay attention to the visualize
    r on the floor itself, and pay less attention to the person on the dance floor.

    Ideation and Concept
    Using projector to project visuals on the floor and webcam to detect when there is movement on that particular area. If there is a movement or shadow, part of the visualizer will randomly move away and move back to its place after a few seconds. It will react to user, movements, and their body gestures.

    Design Approach
    • Visuals Illustration
    • Audio


    Interactive Dance Floor

    Dance Floor Moves at GAGA Gallery

    Critique 1 - Project Proposal (10%)

    Proposal Stage

    Identification of proposed topics, documentation of problem statement, proposal write-up and research objectives.

    Proposal Outline for Design Project
    1. Research Topic
    2. Background
    3. Problem Identification
    4. Aim and Objectives
    5. Motivation
    6. Ideation and Concept
    7. Review, Analysis and Precedence Studies
    8. Design Approach

    Final Year Project Brief

    Project Topic
    • Project Proposal, Research & Documentation
    • Individual artistic research & documentation

    1. To enable students to engage in research and propose a project.
    2. To develop independent and critical thinking in their own pursue of project direction & in self-assessment.
    3. To facilitate students to pursue specialist capabilities specific to their realm of art or design.
    4. To cultivate the culture of logging research process and findings in their individual blog.

    Project Description

    Choose one of the themes listed below, develop the concept for a media artwork that you propose to be realized in FYP2 by engaging in research and pursuing specialist capabilities specific to the realm of your project. Log/document the development and findings in the form of a blog. Your blog should consist of the following.
    • Project Proposal
    • Research & Analysis
    • Content Development
    • Project Management
    • Critical Commentaries
    • Project Publicity
    • Final Synopsis

    1. Old Story New Media
    2. Social Innovation and New Media
    3. Body, Identity, and Sensors


    Hello peeps! My name is Wan Noor Maheran Bt Majidin, or in short Yan. ID number, 1071113445. I am a student from Faculty of Creative Multimedia, Multimedia University (MMU) Cyberjaya. Majoring in Digital Media, or currently known as Media Art. So, welcome to my Final Year Project blog. This blog is about my overall research, information, discussion, questions, findings, materials, and all related issue regarding my Final Year Project.

    It is going to be updated weekly and frequently.
    I am so happppppyyyyyyyy to be in Delta 2.
    Peace :)