Monday, November 29, 2010

Critique 2: Analysis

The stereotype of men and aerobics.
It is often deemed awkward to see a man in an aerobics class.  Aerobics are typically thought of as a “women only” exercise. However, many places seek to get more men involved in such classes. Men typically think of aerobics as the feminine exercise and their workouts should be focused on manly reps such as weight lifting, kickboxing, or cycling. Guys should consider aerobics because of the many benefits and need for nothing more than space. No weights, bikes, gloves, punching bags necessary. For further reading, click here.

Misconception about aerobic exercises.
Aerobic exercise does not necessarily mean an aerobic class. Aerobic exercise is any kind of exercise that increases your pulse rate making you slightly breathless. Thus, there are many forms of aerobics exercise, the most common being jogging, swimming, cycling and running. Mowing the lawn and gardening also counts as aerobic exercise as you would be burning around 120 calories for each 20 minutes. The most important thing is, as a beginner, do not do too much at the start because it is likely that you will go off it and never do it again. Try to gradually incorporate aerobic exercise into your lifestyle. For further reading, click here.

Gender and exercise selection.
Men and women have many glaring differences and what seems to be few similarities but as far as exercise goes, women and men are very close. Exercise selection should always be consistent with goals. This is where the differences begin. Women and men seldom have the same goals. Men usually love to build their chest muscles with bench press while most women could care less about their pec muscles. No one can argue the best cardiovascular exercises for men and women are the same, i.e. running, bicycling, stairs, hiking, etc. but when it comes to weights women and men should exercise completely differently? Of course not. Does this mean women should not perform the bench press? Bench press is still a very important exercise for women but the amount of bench press necessary for a woman's goals is far less than a man looking to build his chest. Goals should be determined depends on self ability. For further reading, click here.

Normal aerobic VS Wii Fit.
Running on a treadmill or riding a stationary bike can be unbearably boring. Because of this "boredom" factor, some people have rarely been able to keep up with aerobics exercises for very long. Aerobics classes like cardio kick boxing can be more fun but they have a big down side: they have to drive to the gym to do them, and it costs a lot of extra wasted time. Aerobic exercise is an important part of anyone's healthy lifestyle whether or not someone is trying to lose weight or not. But it's something that people struggle to fit into their lives. Partly due to lack of time to go to the gym and partly just because they think of aerobics as being very boring. But thanks to Nintendo that's not the case anymore. It actually making aerobics enjoyable,make exercise fun which means people will exercise more and thus lose more weight faster. For further reading, click here.

Thoughts to ponder.
If we have a reaction after just 5 minutes, why keep exercising for twenty minutes? Actually,who or why they recommend that time period is still a question. The only reason to continue on after five minutes is based on the need to maintain the fat burning process. So marathon runners need to condition themselves to maintain that longer term aerobic state, but the chemical reactions level off after just a few minutes and actually begin to lower after ten minutes. At that time, the twenty minute workout was very popular with several health clubs. It cast another truth on the fact vs. fiction on the world of exercise. The level of aerobic response is dependent on the intensity or the oxygen consumption of the exercise. All exercises are not created equally, and our bodies response to various exercise is different. For further reading, click here.

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